We proudly announce the release of the newly redesigned and updated
Arctic Coastal Dynamics Website
Website features include:
- The ACD GIS database. Available for download, as a web mapping service, and viewable in the Arctic Portal Interactive Data viewer
- A coastal photo gallery
- Links to all publications and reports of the ACD project and the State of the Arctic Coast 2010 report
- An extended bibliography of Russian literature
- A vibrant research forum, open for anyone who is curious and full of questions…and possibly even answers!
If you are passionate about arctic coasts, visit the new website regularly and help it become THE arctic coastal research forum. Together we can make this an international center for vibrant discussions, promotion of coastal research events, data sharing, and field photography galleries.
How can you contribute?
There are three ways to get involved:
- ACD forum: after registering on the website, you can share your ideas, experiences and questions with a large and vibrant community of coastal researchers
- ACD photo gallery: The best way to explore the Arctic from your desk! If you have pictures of arctic coasts and you know exactly where they were taken and when, then send them to us and we will post them in our gallery
- ACD blog: Would you like to make your research more visible? Then the ACD blog will be a great way to do so. Send us an email to and we will be happy to assist you in creating a blog entry which will be highlighted on the ACD website. The blog entry can feature research activities of entire research
groups, newly established methodologies, field work adventures and whatever you find would be interesting to share with a bunch of curious and open-minded Arctic coast enthusiasts!
We are interested in who you are, where you are and what you are doing! We are looking forward to interesting contributions regarding your experiences, ideas, knowledge and visions about arctic coastal changes!
Let’s help direct the current and future of arctic coastal research! In the course of the Coastal Permafrost in Transition side meeting at the ICOP, we will discuss the future direction of the ACD project, and invite you to register online here by March 1st, 2016.